Fill-in for horse track wins approval second time out


A scaled-down version of a rejected proposal to fill in a former horse track on a Langley farm was endorsed by Township council on Monday, April 13.

All Seasons Mushrooms farm owner Frank Moscone reduced the amount of fill he intends to use to reclaim a horse oval on his property at 3468 224 Street for agriculture. It was originally going to be 54,900 cubic metres, or around 8,000 truck loads, an amount considered disruptive by some neighbours.

By adjusting the design and mixing in some of the mushroom manure generated on-site, the revised All Season proposal would use 47,400 cubic metres or around 7,000 truck loads, a 14 per cent reduction. Moscone originally said he might use the reclaimed land to grow hay, but told Monday’s meeting it could also be for blueberry growing. “All I want to do is make that land acceptable for farming,” Moscone told council.

Read full article here.

Aldergrove Star – Apr 22, 2015.

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