Fish farms in B.C.: Occupied by protesters


Moe Isaac walks along the dock at Midsummer Island, past colourful protest signs under a heavy November sky.

Rain came down like a curtain yesterday and today the clouds have an ashen glow.

Isaac, who manages the Marine Harvest salmon farm, steps up to the edge of a pen in his work boots and worn orange life-jacket. Beyond his toes, the surface of the water breaks every few seconds — sliced by a dorsal fin or rippled by a leaping fish.

About 53,000 Atlantic salmon swim in this 30-by-30-foot pen. When all the pens are full, the farm holds just over half a million of them. For those who fear open-net farms like this one will mean the end of wild stocks, the concentration of fish represents an incubator for parasites and disease.

Read full article here.

Amy Smart – Times Colonist – December 4, 2017.

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