How Will Legal Pot Be Sold in B.C.? Province Still Hazy on Answers


The federal Liberals have finally said when marijuana will be legal in Canada — July 1, 2018 — but just how the drug will be sold above-board in B.C. remains unclear.

Under legislation expected next month, the provinces will decide the price of pot, as well as how marijuana products are distributed and sold.

In B.C., a cross-ministry working group is, well, working on it — but saying little.

“Until the full details of the federal changes are finalized and released, we will not be in a position to speak in any further detail,” said Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General Mike Morris in a statement.

The NDP says the government’s “hands-off” approach on the file has left B.C. behind when it should be consulting with municipalities and the public on the “incredibly complex” regulations to come.

“We need to get going on that work now,” said Carole James, MLA for Victoria-Beacon Hill and NDP finance critic.

Here’s where the questions stand so far.

Read full article here.

Lisa Johnson – CBC News – Mar 27, 2017.

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