Is Vaping A Safe & Successful Way For Cigarette Smokers to Quit? This European Study Says YES | TRP


The number of smokers in the EU, and especially the UK, has declined significantly because people were switching over to vaping.

A European Commission (EC) survey found that vaping has been successful in helping people kick their smoking habit and that governments should advocate its use as an alternative to cigarettes.

The Eurobarometer report – which pulls the opinions of 28,228 people from 27 European Union (EU) countries and the United Kingdom (UK) – pointed out that the number of smokers in the EU, and especially the UK, has declined significantly because people were switching over to vaping.

The report found that Sweden had the lowest number of smokers at 7% followed by Netherland and the UK at 12%.

The report also found that the number of smokers in the UK dropped thanks to the endorsement of tobacco harm reduction (THR) programs, led by the government there.

THR programs basically help smokers find better and safer ways to help them quit, and vaping has been a popular choice among ex-smokers in the UK.

Read full article here.

Akmal Hakim – TRP – 2021-04-03.

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