Keystone could proceed | Edmonton Considers Impact of President-Elect Donald Trump


Eight months ago, University of Alberta business professor Richard Dixon reported to the Alberta Energy Regulator on the potential impact of each presidential candidate’s policy position.

Trump’s support of Keystone increases the likelihood the project will proceed, but considering the other pillars of his platform, there will likely be a price tag, Dixon said Wednesday.

“It would keep the bitumen price that we receive lower because we’d be paying more in export costs to the United States,” Dixon said.

David MacLean, president of the Alberta division of Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, said if the pipeline does get the green light, Alberta’s energy industry will benefit. Of the roughly 8,000 manufacturers, many work with the energy industry, meaning there will be a market for their goods. Although Trump’s comments about protecting the U.S. domestic economy raised a red flag for MacLean, “we’re confident that on the balance of things, the North American Free Trade Agreement is an exceptional deal for Canada and the United States,” he said.

Read full article here.

CBC News – November 9, 2016.

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