Kinder Morgan and the Power of Civil Resistance


Canadians are a law-abiding people. Unlike our southern neighbours, our mythology isn’t filled with scandalous rogues who operate at the edges, or outside, the law. Who are the Canadian equivalents to Jesse James, Al Capone or Bonnie and Clyde? Frankly, I can’t think of a single one.

The same is true with modern Canadian politicians. Is there a Canadian equivalent to Richard Nixon, Spiro Agnew, or Huey Long? No one jumps out. With the exception of the Ford brothers, Canadian history isn’t filled with rogue politicians who flout the law. That is, until Kinder Morgan came along.

Canada has become a petro state. It is time we come to grips with this as a nation. We have a litany of examples of both provincial and federal politicians playing fast and loose with the rules to force an unwilling oil tanker pipeline project on an unwilling province.

Read full article here.

Will Horter – – May 25, 2018.

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