Landowners Left in the Lurch by Alberta’s Legacy of Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells


Tony Bruder lives in one of the most beautiful parts of Canada, the deep southwestern corner of Alberta where the Prairies bump into the mountains, on a ranch that’s been in his family for three generations. Those same three generations have lived with an antique sour gas well that produced for a few years in the 1950s and has since lain dormant, rusting slowly through the seasons.

“My brothers and I used to climb the tree, that’s what we called it, and shoot gophers,” said Bruder. That well provides little amusement now that Bruder owns the ranch and has descended into the bureaucratic nightmare of trying to convince either the Alberta Energy Regulator or the various companies that have owned the well over the years to clean it up.

Read full article here.

Tracy Johnson – CBC News – June 14, 2016.

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