The many ways B.C. Premier John Horgan is wrong about Trans Mountain


Claudia Cattaneo: B.C. premier is responding with so much indifference over the distress he’s causing, that his constituents should worry about his judgment.

n the face of widespread concern that the last remaining Canadian oil export pipeline project is on the verge of collapsing, B.C. Premier John Horgan is responding with so much indifference over the distress he’s causing, dishonesty about the facts and narrow-mindedness about his responsibilities as a leader, that his constituents should worry about his judgment.

Here are the many ways Horgan is wrong:

In a press conference Sunday after Kinder Morgan Canada Ltd. said it would suspend all non-essential activities on the project due to “continued active opposition from the government of British Columbia,” Horgan went so far as to say: “I respectfully disagree that this project is in the national interest.”

Read full article here.

Claudia Cattaneo – National Post – April 9, 2018

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