Mining executive sends demanding letter to Premier Christy Clark


Dear Premier Clark: As you undoubtedly are aware my Company continues with its efforts to advance our New Prosperity Project and we are actively pursuing the matter through the Courts, with the goal of requiring the Federal Government to revisit the position it took under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 in not granting three authorizations to advance the project tied to fish habitat, navigable waters and explosives.

I firmly believe t hat t he courts will find in our favour once the true facts of the Federal Process are unveiled. I have personally been involved in mineral development around the world and have experienced subversive undermining by government employees of important projects. I cannot believe, as a Canadian that the same could hold true in Canada in terms· of what transpired through the Federal Panel Process as it relates to our New Prosperity Project.

Download full letter here.

Russell E. Hallbauer, P.Eng.

President & CEO

May 13, 2016.

Taseko Mines

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