Morrissey’s Defense Of Free Speech Underlines What Both Right And Left Get Wrong


Morrissey has penned an eloquent attack on those who oppose free speech, but it has lessons for the defenders, too.

Former Smiths front man and international superstar solo artist Morrissey has found himself in progressives’ crosshairs again. This time, the controversial crooner has hit back in a new form. After being savaged as a racist xenophobe by the United Kingdom newspaper The Independent in what was supposed to be a concert review, Morrissey launched a new website with a brutal screed attacking both the outlet and British society in general.

This is not the first time Morrissey has been attacked by the politically correct brigade. Last year he came under fire for suggesting that acts of Islamic terror are often committed by Muslims and that the U.K. government has been far too lax in confronting the problem. This year the issue seems to be that he has said nice things about Brexit and had the temerity to waive a Union Jack flag that a fan brought to his concert in London.

Writing in The Independent, Shaun Curran said this about the flag-waving: “You don’t have to be a bleeding heart liberal to realize how this episode could be interpreted.” To be clear, we are talking about a British singer, in the British capital, waiving the British flag. If this is now some kind of offensive action, something has gone badly off the rails.

Morrissey identifies that thing in his essay: “This is symptomatic of a modern, shredded British society, where free speech no longer exists. When the print media are lost for a reply, they simply change the subject by naming their opponent as ‘racist’, which is the perfect ploy because most people are naturally appalled to be called racist, and they step back in silence, and the debate collapses unresolved. Use of the word often only ever comes from people who themselves are intolerant. It works. Even though England introduced the world to democracy, great art and great literature, it is now leading the way with a dark and largely hidden agenda where no one is entitled to disagree; only one interest and opinion must prevail within the print media.”

Read full article here.

David Marcus – The Federalist – April 6, 2018.

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