Naomi Klein braves storm to protest Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion


Among 300 or so people braving a storm on Burnaby Mountain yesterday to demonstrate against Texas-based energy giant Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion was author Naomi Klein. National Observer caught up with Klein and asked what brought her from Toronto to Vancouver to protest. She spoke about her connection to the coast, having grown up in British Columbia. It was also, she said, where her son was born. But, above all, she stressed her view that transitioning away from a fossil fuel-dependent economy is urgent and requires ‘a no and a yes.’ No, to more fossil fuel projects. Yes, to low carbon, clean energy alternatives.

“How hard are people going to fight?” she asked, during an interview documented in the video below.

Read full article here.

Dylan Waisman – National Observer – April 7, 2018.

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