Old-growth logging in Walbran could trigger protests


A B.C. forest company’s plan to log centuries-old cedar trees in southern Vancouver Island’s Walbran Valley cuts into the heart of one of Canada’s most ecologically sensitive forests, says an environmental group. Wilderness Committee spokesman Torrance Coste said that forest company Teal Jones is courting conflict with environmental groups in its bid to harvest almost 500 hectares of old-growth forest in eight land parcels.

The Walbran Valley’s old-growth forest near Lake Cowichan, about 100 kilometres northwest of Victoria, has been the site of past blockades and arrests over logging. “We don’t want to see that happen again,” Coste said on Monday. “It’s 2015 — we shouldn’t be having to change logging policy by blockading roads anymore. We want to stop that far before that stage.”

The eight proposed harvest areas surround a protected area in Carmanah Walbran Provincial Park, known as the Castle Grove, which holds an untouched stand of cedar trees, he said.

Read full article here.

Dirk Meissner – Canadian Press – June 9, 2015.

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  1. it is unbelieveble how the humans species still hasn’t learned a damn thing about nature … haven’t we done already enough damage to the planet and it’s enviornment … when will it stop, when things really spiral completly out of control …? How about learning from nature, recycle all the paper and stop dumping it on some dumping grounds … In nature nothing is wasted, the only species on this planet that wastes everything is the human species … no other species does waste rescources like we do Leave those centuries-old cedar trees alone!!!


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