Ottawa needs to lead a balanced energy debate, Canadians tell pollster


Canadians believe there is an urgent need to talk about balancing the economic potential of the energy sector with environmental protection and want the federal government to lead that conversation, a new poll suggests.

The survey by Nanos Research, which was commissioned by The Globe and Mail, comes as falling oil prices are predicted to siphon billions of dollars out of the Canadian economy, but also as debates about pipeline safety and the potentially catastrophic effects of global warming feed anxiety over resource development.

The results suggest Canadians are frustrated with the polarized arguments between energy companies and environmentalists, and that they want political leadership on this issue as the country enters an election year. “Canadians know that the energy sector is very important to our future prosperity, and they also treasure the importance of the environment,” says Nik Nanos, the president of the research company. “And I think Canadians are ready for a frank discussion on how those two things can work together.”

Read full article here.

Gloria Galloway – Globe and Mail – December 31, 2014.

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