Ottawa working behind the scenes to get Trans Mountain pipeline built: Trudeau


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says there are some critics who will never be convinced that he’s doing enough to ensure the Trans Mountain expansion project goes ahead, but he adds his government is working hard as a deadline imposed by pipeline builder Kinder Morgan fast approaches.

“Let’s be honest about these things. I don’t think there is anything that I can say that would reassure some of my critics who have such little faith in my government getting anything done for Alberta,” Trudeau said in Calgary on Tuesday after he reaffirmed Ottawa’s $1.5-billion commitment toward a light-rail transit project in the city.

“I don’t think there’s any magic phrase I can say that will have critics and skeptics put down their criticism and say, ‘You know what? The prime minister reassured me today.”‘

As Trudeau spoke, a small group of protesters were heard shouting “Build KM” and “Build that pipe.”

Read full article here.

Canadian Press – May 15, 2018.

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