Photo Galleries CBC SecureDrop Trudeau cabinet welcomes Trump’s Keystone XL decision


Donald Trump has given the green-light to the Keystone XL pipeline project, breathing new life into a project that was long thought dead, but a series of new demands from the U.S. president could lead to headaches for the Liberal government in Ottawa.

Cabinet ministers assembled in Calgary for a retreat welcomed the president’s decision Tuesday, calling his executive order a boon for Canadian jobs and government coffers, even if Trump has said he would like to see a “renegotiation” of the terms with TransCanada, the project’s proponent.

“My reaction is that it would be very positive for Canada — 4,500 construction jobs and a deepening of the relationship across the border on the energy file,” Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr told reporters, referring to the number of temporary jobs that will be created in Canada.

Read full article here.

John Paul Tasker – CBC News – Jan 24, 2017.

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