Pot-Trepreneurs Poised to Reap Cash Crop with Trudeau Win


Industry jockeys for potential windfall with promise of marijuana legalization and regulation. Any way you look at it, this is a good time to be Herb Dhaliwal.

The former Liberal MP watched his party reclaim his old Vancouver South seat from the Conservatives on Monday night in a federal election that saw the party win a majority.

As chairman of a medical cannabis company, the 62-year-old woke up Tuesday, handily poised to reap the benefits of one of prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau’s core campaign promises: the legalization and regulation of marijuana.

Bumper crop for pot-trepreneurs

The industry’s prospects may have looked uncertain under the Conservatives; the consensus is that those days are over.

“One of the big risks before was government risk; we didn’t know what the government was going to do and there was a lot of uncertainty,” says Dhaliwal.

Read full article here.

Jason Proctor – CBC News – Oct 20, 2015.

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