Proposed Excise Tax on Vaping Products in Canada | DashVapes Blog


The Canadian federal government has introduced a proposal in Budget 22 for a “Federal-provincial-territorial Taxation Coordination” regarding vaping e-liquids.

The federal government will work collaboratively with provinces and territories interested in a federally coordinated approach to taxing vaping e-liquids and pods; this means that there is a potential excise tax both federally and provincially.

The excise tax would work the following way:

  • $1 per 2mL on the first 10mL of e-liquid (or pod, or disposable)
  • $1 per 10mL above the first 10mL

If a province opts in to also collect the tax, you will be charged the above amounts federally and provincially. (effectively doubling the tax)

See the table below to see potential taxes above what you pay for a bottle of e-liquid (and there will still be sales tax added as well)

Bottle Size Federal Excise Tax Federal + Provincial Excise Tax
30mL $7.00 $14.00
60mL $10.00 $20.00
120mL $16.00 $32.00


This would effectively make a 30mL bottle that typically costs $9.99, $16.99 (or $23.99). 60mL bottles that cost $19.99 would cost $29.99 (or $39.99), and 120mL bottles that cost $34.99 would cost $50.99 (or $66.99).

Since this tax is being introduced as an excise tax, importation of e-liquid will be strictly enforced (similar to tobacco and cannabis), which means stricter penalties and more confiscations.

At this point, this is just proposed, and we will keep you updated on steps to take to fight this draconian proposal that would send thousands of vapers back to smoking.

Read full article here.

DashVapes – 2022-04-07.

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