Scientists Say Another Panic-Fueling Vaping Study Needs to Be Retracted


A paper that claimed vapes are a gateway to cigarettes relied on faulty methodology, experts say.

Three weeks after the American Heart Association’s journal retracted a vaping study that led to heightened panic last summer, academics and health experts are pushing for another influential peer-reviewed medical journal to retract a vaping report of its own.

The collection of concerned scholars and scientists think that a paper published in Pediatrics in 2018 incorrectly and dangerously argued that people who vape are more likely to become smokers. The Pediatrics research pulls from the “gateway” theory, a once-popular and now oft-lambasted idea that smoking cannabis could lead to more serious and potentially addictive substance use.

“It should have been retracted,” said Brad Rodu, a professor of medicine and the endowed chair in tobacco harm-reduction research at the University of Louisville.

The research was co-authored by Stanton Glantz, a professor at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) who until recently led the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education.

Read full article here.

Alex Norcia – Vice – March 11, 2020.

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