Study Explores Smoking Cessation Aids And Strategies in Norway


A study published in BMC looked into the different smoking cessation strategies in Norway and their different success rates. 

The study titled “Smoking cessation aids and strategies: a population-based survey of former and current smokers in Norway,” considered the fact that in the process of quitting smoking, smokers tend to choose between several smoking cessation aids and strategies.

In Norway, smoking rates have dropped from 30% in 2001 to 12% in 2018. Locally, tobacco consumption is equally divided between the combustible type (cigarettes) and non-combustible via snus.

The research team of the current study conducted cross-sectional representative surveys in Norway for 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. The analytic sample consisted of adult smokers who were divided in groups according to their number of quit attempts.

Read full article here.

Diane Caruana – Vaping Post – 2022-11-04.

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