Support for Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion grows in B.C. but tanker worries remain: new poll


The proposed expansion of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline has the support of more than half of British Columbians, but with plenty of caveats, including the minimal impact of threats from Alberta, according to a new poll.

In an online survey conducted Monday and Tuesday of 2,125 Canadian adults — half from British Columbia — the Angus Reid Institute has found that support in B.C. for the project is up to 54 per cent, a considerable jump from the 48 per cent in a similar survey conducted in February.

This support runs through all part of the province, with 50 per cent of Metro Vancouver in favour, 54 per cent on Vancouver Island and 60 per cent of respondents in the rest of B.C.

But support for the idea of a pipeline doesn’t mean British Columbians aren’t worried about its related impacts, according to ARI’s data. When asked to say which potential risk or danger related to the project they were most worried about, 52 per cent of British Columbians listed an oil tanker spill or accident. Just 12 per cent said they weren’t worried about any of the options listed, including the impact of fossil fuels, risk of pipeline spills, the impact of pipeline construction and tanker traffic “detracting from natural beauty.”

Read full article & WATCH video here.

Patrick Johnson – Vancouver Sun – April 18, 2018.

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