Trudeau, Notley governments to launch formal talks to invest in Trans Mountain pipeline despite Horgan’s protests


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised legislated efforts in the weeks to come that will ensure the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline gets built.

After meeting with the premiers of B.C. and Alberta Sunday, Trudeau repeatedly said the controversial pipeline expansion will go forward.

“We are one country with a federal government that is there to ensure the national interest is upheld,” he told reporters after the meeting in Ottawa.

“We are going to get the pipeline built.

“The measures we will be taking in the coming weeks are focused on assuring that this pipeline gets built.

“We can grow the economy and protect the environment together.”

Trudeau said private, financial discussions will be held with Kinder Morgan in the days ahead to remove uncertainty over the project.

Trudeau also said federal legislation is coming that will “reassert and reinforce” the fact that the federal government is well within its jurisdiction to approve the project and ensure it goes ahead.

Earlier Sunday, B.C. Premier John Horgan emerged from the meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Alberta Premier Rachel Notley on Sunday saying it was a “frank discussion” but that disagreement remains.

Read full article & WATCH video here.

Postmedia News – April 15, 2018.

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