Trudeau should say no to city pot tax grab


City politicians, never shy about demanding more money from beleaguered taxpayers, are now trying to get a cut of future cannabis taxes.

In last year’s Liberal election platform, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised to legalize marijuana, touting a “new system of strict marijuana sales and distribution, with appropriate federal and provincial excise taxes applied.”

By leaving out the possibility of city taxes, Trudeau raised the hackles of spend-crazy mayors across the nation. Now the mayors are pushing back – they want a piece of the green.

Later this month, at the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) meeting in Victoria, city politicians will debate resolutions from the Duncan, Nelson and Prince George city councils calling on the federal and provincial governments to send a portion of marijuana taxes to local governments.

Read full article here.

Jordan Bateman – – September 13, 2016.

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