Two thirds of coronavirus victims may have died this year anyway, government adviser says


Professor Neil Ferguson said experts were now expecting around 20,000 deaths, although said it may turn out to be a lot less

Up to two-thirds of people who die from coronavirus in the next nine months are likely to have died this year from other causes, a government advisor has said.

Professor Neil Ferguson, who is recovering at home from Covid-19, told the Science and Technology Committee that experts were now expecting around 20,000 deaths, although said it may turn out to be a lot less.

But he said that many of those deaths were likely to be old and seriously ill people who would have died from other conditions before the end of the year.

Appearing via videolink, and drinking from a Keep Calm and Carry On mug, Prof Ferguson said: “We don’t know what the level of excess deaths will be in the epidemic, in that, by the end of the year what proportion of people who died from COVID would have died?…

Read full article here.

Sarah Knapton – The Telegraph – March 25, 2020.


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