Why compliance matters for the vape industry


A few years ago the vape industry fought hard against a complete ban on e-cigarettes. We met with whatever politicians would talk to us.

We encouraged customers to write to their representatives. I appeared on TV and radio (which I hate!), reached out to media and wrote numerous articles.

While we won compromises, they were often unsatisfactory. For example, the nicotine limit was set at 2% – not enough to work for every smoker. The tank capacity was set at 2ml, which means frequent topping up for heavy users, and plastic 10ml bottles were mandated, which meant more plastic waste.

So it may seem strange that some of the people and companies who campaigned against the restrictions are also outraged at non-compliance, whether it’s by small retailers or on the big platforms like Amazon and eBay. After all, they are achieving some of the same things (higher nicotine content and larger capacity) we originally argued for.

The fact is, compliance, even while we campaign for better regulations, is important. Here’s why…

Read full article here.

James Dunworth – The Grocer – 2021-09-23.

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