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E-Cig Intel | Surprising U.S. Vaping Market Data & Insights | RegWatch

Despite enduring years of attacks by tobacco control, misinformation,...

Confounding Science | Inside Look at Flawed Nicotine & Tobacco Research | RegWatch

Often, much of the research on e-cigarettes, nicotine, and...

Flavour Ban | Rights 4 Vapers Ottawa News Conference | RegWatch

Advocacy group Rights4Vapers holds a news conference in Ottawa...

Deep Impact | Bloomberg’s Influence on the WHO & US Vaping Policy | RegWatch

U.S. President Joe Biden recently awarded the Medal of...

Canada’s Largest Pot Grower Plans to Double Capacity with B.C. Greenhouses

Canopy Growth Corp. says it will develop up to three million square feet of greenhouse growing capacity in British Columbia, more than doubling Canada's...

20,000 Ideas and Counting: British Columbians Offer Feedback on Legal Cannabis

The B.C. government has received more than 20,000 responses from the public on questions concerning how legal marijuana should be regulated and sold in...

Pot Production Could Edge out Vegetables on Local Agricultural Land, Delta Mayor Says

A large-scale multinational Delta vegetable producer is swapping out its tomato plants for pot plants in a 1.1-million-square-foot greenhouse because it says it can...

Canada’s Largest Grower ‘Comfortable’ with Federal Government’s Pot Tax Plan

The federal government's plan for a 10 per cent "sin tax" on legalized recreational marijuana sales sounds good to the head of Canada's largest,...

Federal Government to Charge GST on Marijuana Sales, Stoking Price Concerns

Ottawa will charge GST on recreational marijuana in addition to the planned excise tax of $1 a gram, threatening to make legal cannabis more...



Confounding Science | Inside Look at Flawed Nicotine & Tobacco Research | RegWatch

Often, much of the research on e-cigarettes, nicotine, and...

Flavour Ban | Rights 4 Vapers Ottawa News Conference | RegWatch

Advocacy group Rights4Vapers holds a news conference in Ottawa...

Deep Impact | Bloomberg’s Influence on the WHO & US Vaping Policy | RegWatch

U.S. President Joe Biden recently awarded the Medal of...

Hands Off | Vapers Call for Health Minister to Dump Flavour Ban | RegWatch

As the Federal Liberal Government marches inexorably toward a...
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