Medical Marijuana Licences No Longer a Home-Grown Option


Suppliers will have to be approved and licensed by federal government. Laurie MacEachern doesn’t grow tomatoes or roses in her backyard garden.

The director of the Medicinal Cannabis Patients Alliance of Canada lovingly tends to roughly a dozen bushy green marijuana plants outside her modest home south of Ottawa.

MacEachern’s garden is hidden away behind a ramshackle wooden fence. But the pungent aroma given off by her prized plants hits you long before she unlocks the gate.

“The smell is just amazing,” MacEachern says, using scissors to trim back thick stalks dense with narrow leaves and dark, fat buds.

MacEachern has government permission to grow her own supply of medical marijuana.

Read full article here.

Tom Parry – CBC News – Oct 01, 2013.

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