Smoking Pot Can Be Dangerous for Teens’ Developing Brains


Pot use in Canada most common among teens and young adult,says Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Scientific studies increasingly suggest marijuana may not be the risk-free high that teens — and sometimes their parents — think it is, researchers say.

Yet pot is still widely perceived by young smokers as relatively harmless, said Dr. Romina Mizrahi, director of the Focus on Youth Psychosis Prevention clinic and research program at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

She cites a growing body of research that warns of significantly higher incidence of hallucinations, paranoia and the triggering of psychotic illness in adolescent users who are most predisposed.

“When you look at the studies in general, you can safely say that in those that are vulnerable, it doubles the risk.”

Read full article here.

Sue Bailey – CBC News – Jun 08, 2015.

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