‘No Easy Answers’: Why It’s so Hard to Fight Drugged Driving


Finding the best way to test drivers not as straightforward as testing for alcohol impairment.

Before a driver who had just smoked a lot of pot hit the vehicle Nancy Stewart’s husband was driving, killing him instantly, she hadn’t given much thought to the dangers of someone getting behind the wheel while impaired by drugs.

“To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure it was on my radar,” says Stewart, whose husband Doug died in the crash on his way home to Oakville, Ont., from his mother’s 80th birthday party.

The Stewarts’ daughter Emily was with him, and suffered a catastrophic brain injury.

“I think drinking and driving is on a person’s radar,” adds Stewart. “I didn’t do drugs, nor [did] any of our friends, so [drugged driving] was sort of a non-issue. I think about it a lot now.”

Driving while impaired by drugs has been illegal under the Criminal Code for nearly a century, but is rather problematic to enforce.

Read full article here.

Janet Davison – CBC News – May 16, 2015.

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