Stakes couldn’t be higher in Site C injunction case | Vaughn Palmer


After years of budget overruns, construction delays and political controversy with Site C, B.C. Hydro is back in court this week, fighting a legal challenge that seeks to stall the project for months or even years.

Seeking what amounts to a stop work order on construction of the giant hydroelectric dam is the West Moberly First Nation, which says Site C will do irreparable harm to the band’s traditional territory and rights.

In an action that began Monday in Vancouver, the band asks a B.C. Supreme Court judge to issue an injunction against Site C construction, pending a full blown court challenge scheduled for next year.

Fighting the injunction is B.C. Hydro, which has a record of success defending Site C in court. As of this time last year, the Crown corporation reported 14 wins and no defeats in fending off legal challenges of one kind or another.

But the West Moberly application raises the most serious implications to date because the project is further along than when earlier challenges were filed.

Read full article and WATCH video here.

Vaughn Palmer – Vancouver Sun – July 23, 2018.

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