Wild Salmon Policy Implementation Plan | Pacific Region | Fisheries and Oceans Canada


Canada’s Policy for Conservation of Wild Pacific Salmon (WSP) represents Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s commitment to maintain healthy and diverse salmon populations and their habitats that will support sustainable fisheries now, and meet the needs of future generations. WSP places conservation of salmon and their habitat as the first priority for resource management and encourages people throughout British Columbia and the Yukon to contribute to decisions about salmon conservation that reflect ecological and societal values.

Who we are consulting with

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) does not and cannot implement the WSP without the help of others and therefore is working collaboratively with key partners to develop a 5-year Implementation Plan.

What is the focus of this consultation

Canada’s unique relationship with Indigenous peoples in both BC and Yukon is central to how the WSP Implementation Plan is being designed and developed. Where possible, work on developing the WSP implementation plan will build on existing collaborative, fisheries-related processes in place involving BC First Nations. In the Yukon, the development of the WSP Implementation Plan will respect the provisions of the Yukon Final Agreements and roles of the Yukon Salmon Sub-Committee and the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board.

The WSP Implementation Plan consultations involve four phases:

  • Phase 1 (fall-spring 2016-17) We met with more than 150 First Nations groups and stakeholder organizations across BC and Yukon to understand and document key interests and activities that should be included in a five year Implementation Plan.
  • Phase 2 (spring-summer 2017) Work undertaken to develop a draft implementation plan. Key partners, including the BC First Nations’ Salmon Coordinating Committee, the Yukon Salmon Sub-Committee, the Province of BC and the Pacific Salmon Foundation, worked with DFO and offered ideas and advice in developing the initial draft plan.
  • Phase 3 (fall 2017) Involved consulting broadly with Indigenous groups, stakeholders and other interested parties across BC and Yukon on the draft 2018-2022 WSP Implementation Plan. Over 32 consultation sessions occurred across BC and Yukon. Feedback from these sessions, and from suggestions received electronically, will help shape the final document which will be posted to the website when finalized.
  • Phase 4 is ongoing and will involve reviewing the Implementation Plan to ensure that it remains current, as well as reporting out on progress against the plan.

This Implementation Plan will include guidance and activities, timelines, and accountabilities, and will be updated as new projects and programs are implemented by DFO or by others. Following its release, there will be annual reporting on implementation progress to ensure that activities to restore and maintain wild Pacific salmon remain current and to ensure continuous improvement over time.

Read full article here.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada – October 11, 2018.

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