Doctors: 98% of coronavirus patients survive, but many others could have contracted it and not known


It’s likely people have contracted coronavirus but mistaken it for the flu and not sought treatment.

The global outbreak of COVID-19, or more popularly known as coronavirus, has killed thousands across the world since it originated from Wuhan, China last year.

Contingency plans have already taken place in many countries, where officials are trying to help curb the spread of the virus before it becomes an even bigger problem.

Stocks have plummeted in fear of what this could bring and uncertainty over finding a possible vaccine for it.

As worried as the population should be and doctors say you should be doing everything you can to protect yourself, data shows that 98% of those who have contracted the disease have survived – in fact, 80% of people who have gotten sick have had such mild cases and never saw a doctor for it.

Massachusetts General Hospital Dr. Paul Biddinger says it’s likely many people have contracted coronavirus but mistaken it for the flu and not sought treatment for it.

Read full article here.

Wale Aliyu – Boston 25 News – February 26, 2020.

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