Please, Health Canada, do not make vapers return to tobacco!


My friend Maria is an enthusiastic vaper. If I go to her office, she usually will have three vapes on the go.

Today, it is a Voopoo with strawberry flavour, a Stlth with Grape Apple Ice and a Favostx with banana flavour. If we go to a restaurant, she will excuse herself between every course and go outside to vape. She vapes from early morning to late at night, every day. She keeps a spare vape at home, just in case. Even if she is sick, she keeps on vaping. She would never even consider going on vacation to a country that did not allow her to vape.

Some people would call her a nicotine addict but she refutes the label. She says that she enjoys vaping and that it is not doing her or anyone else any harm. In fact, she says that she has had fewer respiratory illnesses since she switched from smoking, and nicotine helps her concentrate.

As her friend and as a physician, I am pleased to see her vaping because for Maria, the only alternative to vaping is smoking cigarettes.

Read full article here.

Dr. John Oyston – – 2021-08-11.

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