‘Smoking kills’ could be printed on every cigarette under new UK proposals


MPs propose raft of tough new measures aimed at getting more people to stop smoking

Individual cigarettes could have “smoking kills” printed on them under a raft of tough measures proposed by MPs to encourage more people to quit the deadly habit.

MPs have submitted an amendment to the health and care bill going through parliament which would allow the health secretary to make graphic health warnings mandatory.

“We know that cigarettes are cancer sticks and kill half the people who use them. So I hope that health warnings on cigarettes would deter people from being tempted to smoke in the first place, especially young people,” said Mary Kelly Foy, the Labour MP behind the move.

“I hope it would encourage some smokers to give up because if they are putting that in their mouth and seeing that message on cigarettes every time they smoke, I hope it would have the desired effect.”

Cancer Research UK and the Royal College of Physicians, which represents hospital doctors, are backing the plan. Foy says only “bold action” will help the government achieve its ambition of England being smoke-free – where only 5% of people light up – by 2030.

The Conservative former Cabinet minister, Sir George Young, now a peer, has separately introduced a private member’s bill into the House of Lords seeking to ensure cigarettes have to carry such warnings, which could also say “smoking causes cancer”.

Read full article here.

Denis Campbell – The Guardian – 2021-10-20.

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