Expert panel to explore ‘harm reduction’ as an alternative public health strategy for governments


Cure-all solutions are popular for good reason — they solve problems in a hurry.

Governments pursue Holy Grail solutions for complex issues like fighting drug addiction and climate change. However, this approach is rarely successful in solving the problems.

Perhaps it’s time to focus on practical solutions that chip away at the risks we face every day.

That’s the thinking behind a concept known as harm reduction, a coordinated approach that involves lifelong and proactive strategies to bolster public health.

“We have to face the fact that we are playing the role of a modern Don Quixote all over the world, resulting in wasted energy and excessive stigmatization that is counterproductive and devoid of solidarity. Today, more than ever, we need to take a close look at all the health aspects in our country to assess the current situation, diagnose the urgent needs and, above all, provide practical and reliable responses,” Dr. Imane Kendili, a Moroccan psychiatrist and addiction specialist, and editor Abdelhak Najib told The Washington Times.

They will discuss their new book, “Harm Reduction — The Manifesto,” in a panel discussion Wednesday co-hosted by The Times and CollaborateUp.

The virtual event titled, “Practical not Magical: Harm Reduction and Public Health,” is open to the public and will bring together several experts to discuss practical solutions for climate change, public health and substance abuse prevention.

The event will be presented with support from the Moroccan Association of Addiction Medicine and Associated Pathologies (MAPA), Aphorisme Consulting, Orion Media, the R Street Institute and Philip Morris International. The Times and CollaborateUp plan to hold a second event on harm reduction in February.

Read full article here.

Tom Howell Jr. – Washington Times – 2022-01-24.

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