Australia Copies US Toilet Errors


“Schools lock toilets as vaping soars,” shouted one Australian newspaper.

For years, American schools have been losing their collective minds and locking toilets or removing the doors from children’s bathrooms.

The argument that this is needed to drive down teen vaping rates raises the question: why is it that Australia and the USA seem to have an issue when the UK (and its evidence-based approach) doesn’t?

New South Wales Education Minister Sarah Mitchell told journalists: “What’s needed is a broad community response to vaping, just like what we saw with smoking.”

Mitchell claims that it is estimated that electronic cigarette use within the teen population is “a growing concern”. She harped on about flavours, colours and images that appeal to children, mirroring the hysterical approach to tobacco harm reduction in the United States.

Read full article here.

Dave Cross – Planet of the Vapes – 2022-03-18.

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