Is Health Canada’s Tobacco Control Directorate “fit for purpose”?


On World No Tobacco Day (May 31st 2022) let’s look at the state of tobacco control in Canada. The Tobacco and Vaping Products Act is currently up for review. 

A recent Evaluation of the Health Portfolio Tobacco and Vaping Activities from the Office of Audit and Evaluation was critical of Health Canada.

A draconian vape flavour ban is in the works. Health Canada committed to reducing smoking rates to 5% by 2035 but is not on track to meet this goal. It is time to consider the question:

Is Health Canada’s Tobacco Control Directorate “fit for purpose”?

There are about four million Canadians who still smoke. Every month, about 4,000 of them die from smoking-related diseases. Health Canada’s Tobacco Control Directorate is not rising to this challenge or mounting an effective response to this ongoing carnage. In particular, it is ignoring the data that shows that vaping can reduce smoking deaths and assist smokers to quit.

Read full article here.

John Oyston – Dr John’s Blog – 2022-05-26.

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