UK Study: Patient and Clinician Perceptions on Vapes For Smoking Cessation


A recent qualitative study published in Addiction looked into patients’ and clinicians’ experiences of being offered/offering an e-cigarette as a smoking cessation tool. 

The research team for the study titled, “The old and familiar meets the new and unknown: Patient and clinician perceptions on e-cigarettes for smoking reduction in UK general practice, a qualitative interview study,” interviewed 21 patients and 11 clinicians, purposively sampling from a randomised controlled trial (RCT).

As part of the RCT, patients who were unwilling to quit smoking were offered free vaping products by primary care clinicians. The research team then interviewed both the clinicians and patients in order to gauge how tobacco harm reduction can be incorporated in their routine practice.

Read full article here.

Diane Caruana – VapingPost – 2022-06-30.

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