EU seeks to ban flavours in heated tobacco products


The European Commission has moved forward with its proposal to implement a flavour ban for heated tobacco products (HTPs), which we first reported in March.

The proposal will undergo a period of scrutiny by the Council and the European Parliament and enter into force 20 days after the publication in the Official Journal.

Announcing the move, Ms Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, said:

“By removing flavoured heated tobacco from the market we are taking yet another step towards realising our vision under Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan to create a “Tobacco Free Generation” with less than 5% of the population using tobacco by 2040. With nine out of ten lung cancers caused by tobacco we want to make smoking as unattractive as possible to protect the health of our citizens and save lives.”

The clear and obvious problem with this statement is that we know that harms from smoking are due to combustion, not simply the use of a tobacco product. To conflate the two is highly misleading.

Ms Kyriakides’ statement makes no mention that heated tobacco products are far less harmful to health than combustible tobacco, nor does it mention that the overwhelming reason why EU citizens use HTPs is to quit or reduce their use of combustible tobacco. Use of HTPs is concentrated among those who smoke or who used to smoke, indeed, official EU data shows that the percentage of never smokers that use HTPs is zero.

Given that the proposed flavour ban is being presented as a health-based initiative it’s difficult to understand how removing options for smokers who wish to quit smoking, or who have quit using HTPs, would improve health. In Poland alone a HTP flavour ban would impact over 600,000 consumers who use the products.

Read full article here.

ETHRA – 2022-07-01.

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