Anti-Vaping Rhetoric Misleads Public About E-Cigarette Safety, Study Finds


E-cigarettes can help smokers abandon their deadly habit. Unfortunately, that message has been buried under a mountain of anti-vaping messaging promoted by tobacco researchers and reporters.

The evidenceĀ is clear at this point: vaping isĀ less dangerous than smoking and helps many people give up their deadly cigarette habit.

Nobody who fairly looks at the data can dispute either conclusion, yet tobacco-control researchers, activists, and federal regulators routinely deny or downplay both observations. Science denial is always irritating, but it’s especially troublesome in this case because it has polluted the public’s understanding of vaping and discouraged smokers from trying an alternative that might save their lives.

As an ex-smoker who quit with the help of an e-cigarette, I have a dog in this fight. But you don’t have to take my word for it. The conclusion in the preceding paragraph came from a study recently published in theĀ American Journal of Preventive Medicine. ā€œAdults in the United States increasingly perceive electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, as ‘more harmful’ than traditional cigarettes,”Ā Medscape reportedĀ on June 20. More importantly,

Read full article here.

Cameron English – American Council on Science and Health – 2022-07-07

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