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In addition to our original coverage, RegWatch curates top stories on issues and impacts arising from the regulation of economic, social and environmental activity in Canada and the U.S.

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Vaping flavour bans – a public health disaster in the making

Millions of smokers have quit smoking thanks to vaping, and flavours have been an essential element of this incredible success. While it is estimated...

President signs bill tightening restrictions on synthetic nicotine products

Manufacturers of synthetic nicotine products have — for now — a short window for applying for Food and Drug Administration approval of a premarket...

GFN Ukraine Update

The Global Forum on Nicotine conference organisers have released a statement with reference to the situation in Ukraine. The Global Forum on Nicotine is set...

Study reveals consumer interest in ‘nicotine pouches’

Consumer interest and awareness in nicotine pouches is growing.  These are products that contain nicotine but have no tobacco, and they are most popular among...

FDA’s Dysfunctional Regulation of E-cigs Created the Synthetic Nicotine Problem

Winston Churchill once said that “If you destroy a free market you create a black market” and nowhere is the validity of that statement clearer...