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In addition to our original coverage, RegWatch curates top stories on issues and impacts arising from the regulation of economic, social and environmental activity in Canada and the U.S.

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The Ideological Aversion to Harm Reduction

Putting a patient under general anesthesia is a dangerous business. Waking a patient up from anesthesia is an ugly one. After I turn off...

South Africa flirts with e-cigarette tax which could set back the fight against smoking

Public consultations recently closed on plans to impose an excise tax on e-cigarettes in South Africa, and the suggested policy proposals have already proven controversial....

Protected by the SRNT Bubble – Dr. Patricia Nez Henderson Feels “Threatened” and “Not Safe” by Debate

Ahead of its Annual Meeting, SRNT Embraced Censorship This week, the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT) kicked off its annual conference in...

China Finalizes Management Rules for E-Cigarettes

We reported in December 2021 that China’s State Tobacco Monopoly Administration (STMA) published on its website the draft Management Rules for E-cigarettes and the updated national standard (GB)...

Are e-cigarettes a “gateway” to cannabis use among adolescents? It depends on mental health status

A new study led by public health researchers at Georgia State has found that mental health status significantly affects whether adolescents who use e-cigarettes...