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In addition to our original coverage, RegWatch curates top stories on issues and impacts arising from the regulation of economic, social and environmental activity in Canada and the U.S.

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New Zealand puts Australia to shame – new report

New Zealand (Aoteaora) has today released an ‘aggressive’ action plan to be smoke-free by 2025. The goal is to reduce daily smoking in all population groups...

FDA Tobacco Chief Mitch Zeller Will Retire Next Year

FDA Center for Tobacco Products Director Mitch Zeller has announced he will retire in April 2022. Zeller was appointed to the job in 2013,...

Uncovered FDA Memos Reveal Murky Strategy to Reject PMTAs

While PMTAs for small to medium-sized businesses are being rejected by the thousands, new documents reveal that PMTA reviewers have created a method to...

Spanish government to control sale and distribution of e-cigarettes

The Spanish government has taken the decision to control the sale and distribution of e-cigarettes, as there is currently no clear and effective system...

University of Waterloo to help conduct $10-million study of e-cigarettes |

The University of Waterloo says it will be one of several schools from around the globe taking part in a $10-million study on e-cigarettes...