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In addition to our original coverage, RegWatch curates top stories on issues and impacts arising from the regulation of economic, social and environmental activity in Canada and the U.S.

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Connecticut Considers E-Cig and Tobacco Flavour Ban

The Connecticut General Assembly will be considering a bill banning the sale of flavoured tobacco and vaping products. S.B. 326 would ban the flavoured products as...

The USA Criticized For Its Non-Effective Tobacco Warning System

The new regulations requiring tobacco companies in the United States to place new graphic health warnings on cigarette packets, have been pushed back from...

Vaping, Covid and the Precautionary Principle

Opposition to vaping is driven by a complex web of factors. These include money, anti-nicotine morality and a justified distrust of anything related to tobacco companies. To...

APPG for Vaping’s COP Inquiry Submissions

The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Vaping has been holding an evidence gathering inquiry in advance of the next World Health Organization (WHO) Framework...

New York Postures Towards Legalizing Marijuana Finally

Legislation to legalize marijuana in New York state advances quickly. About to be approved. In the latest effort to expand the legalization of marijuana in...