Pride & Prejudice | U.S. Vape Industry In 2021 | RegWatch

With the door now finally shut on the disastrous year of 2020, it’s time to reflect on how vaping and tobacco harm reduction in general, faired during a year that brought massive upheaval to the lives of so many.

At the epicentre of the turmoil is the public health movement and as so often is the case, its intersection with politics.

Joining us today on RegWatch is Greg Conley the president of the American Vaping Association. Hear Conley’s take on which disaster caused more damage to the U.S. vaping industry: the scare over the so-called teen vaping epidemic, EVALI, or the response to the pandemic. And hear his detailed warning about the recently passed vape mail law that bans U.S. Mail shipments of vaping products and forces online vape sellers to comply with an unwieldy tax mandate.

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Released: January 16, 2021
Produced by Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by DEMAND VAPE

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