100 years of climate data DELETED from Canadian policy report, including historic high and low


Catherine McKenna’s Climate Change Ministry is ignoring a century’s worth of weather data that doesn’t fit with the Liberals’ pro-carbon tax, fear-mongering agenda, according to a new exclusive report by Blacklock’s Reporter.

According to Blacklock’s,

“Environment Canada omitted 100 years’ worth of weather data from a federal website intended to illustrate climate change. Staff also used “modeling” instead of actual temperature readings to plot dramatic graphs, but said the result was not intended to be misleading.

The historical data is not observed historical data,” said Samantha Bayard, spokesperson for the department. “It is modeled historic data.”

The temperature data is part of a new website by Climate Change Canada meant for policymakers to “support and enable Canada’s climate change adaptation planning, and improve access to relevant climate data.” It’s meant to be the stuff taxes and climate emergency declarations are built on.

However, government cataloged temperature measurements collected between 1850-1949 were replaced by 24 models and historical simulations based on data collected from 1950-2005. The ministry claims the readings were excluded because the number of weather stations nationwide wasn’t “dense” enough.

However, I think the truth is something much different. The 1850-1949 historical temperature readings are a bit of an inconvenient truth for the Liberals pro-carbon tax agenda.

Blacklock’s reports that Vancouver was hotter in 1910 than it was in 2017. Toronto was warmer in 1852 than it was in 2017 and Moncton was warmer in 1906 than in 2017.

Read full article here.

Sheila Gunn Reid – The Rebel Media – September 16, 2019.

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