2016 a Tumultuous Wine Year in British Columbia – Anthony Gismondi


Most of the big announcements have come from the premier’s office, the B.C. Liquor Distribution Branch or B.C. Liquor Control and Licensing Branch. None have been particularly compelling for wine drinkers, unless you enjoy watching the government increase its grip on the booze business and its enormous profits.

There is some good news — B.C. wine is getting better. The bad news is the best wines are expensive and harder then ever to buy for the casual wine drinker. Few producers have any interest in selling their best wines in government stores citing the markup tax as too big a cut into their profits, although they don’t have any compunction selling them direct at the same price.

Consumers can order online, but the minimum purchase is often 6 or 12 bottles — a big ask for the weekend drinker used to buying wine one or two bottles at time.

Read full article here.

Anthony Gismondi – Vancouver Sun – December 17, 2016.

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