Black bears hunted in Squamish region


The global attention and outrage over the recent killing of Cecil the Lion by an American hunter in Zimbabwe has raised the long-debated issue of the hunting of black and grizzly bears closer to home.

“[B.C.] is known in North America as a good place to come and kill bears,” said Sara Dubois, BC SPCA chief scientific officer.  “A lot of people think that unfortunately our methods are too aggressively lethal [in B.C.] and that we are too liberal in our hunting.” 

There is no legal hunting of grizzly bears in regions where the population is threatened, such as around Squamish, but there is hunting for black bears in the region around the outskirts of the district.

Read full article here.

Jennifer Thuncher – Squamish Chief – August 13, 2015.

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