Critics blast delay in fine for Sinopec pipeline spill in Alberta


Thirty-four months. That is how long it took Canada’s environmental regulators to fine an oil and gas company for a pipeline spill caused by human error…

…Alberta’s department of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (ERSD) argues that speeding up cases would put it at risk of losing in court. The department wants to do thorough investigations before Crown prosecutors get involved. “We would rather take our time and hand over a file with solid evidence than rush things and have the case fail if it goes to trial,” Jamie Hanlon, a spokesman for ESRD, said in an e-mail. “That would be a failure to do our jobs properly. Once a file enters the courts, there are frequent adjournments, which can be requested by either side, that can stretch out the court process for years sometimes.”

Read full article here.

Carrie Tait – Globe and Mail – November 13, 2014.

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