Eight in 10 smoker parents worried about setting bad example for kids


Eight in 10 parents who smoke are worried about setting a bad precedent for their children by smoking or vaping, new research has found.

While the nation continues to follow the working from home directive from the government, 74 per cent of parents say it is more difficult than ever to nip outside for a cigarette or a vape at their computer, under the watchful eyes of their kids.

Just under half of the 490 smokers polled say their children have now rumbled parents for their smoking or vaping habits and asked them to quit.

The research by Swedish Match, producer of tobacco-free nicotine pouches ZYN, also revealed more than 41 per cent confess they have resorted to finding new ways to hide their habits in fear of being ticked off by their kids.

While 38 per cent say they sneak into the garden for a smoke, 32 per cent carry around spray air freshener to cover their tracks, and 12 per cent admit they have taken themselves to the shower to smoke or vape.

The research also found 61 per cent of parents want to break the habit and to ensure there’s more ‘together’ time with their kids.

Read full article here.

Gemma Francis – The Sun – 2021-04-01.

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