Environment, economy focus of World Oceans Day | Opinion


Wednesday, June 8, is World Oceans Day, which was officially recognized by the United Nations in 2008 as a day intended “for people to reflect and emphasize the benefits that the oceans can provide and our individual and collective duty to interact with oceans in a sustainable manner so as to meet current needs without compromising those of future generations.”

There are hundreds of events taking place around the world, drawing awareness to the importance of the ocean under this year’s theme of “Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet.” The health of our oceans is paramount and, as exemplified by World Oceans Day only celebrating its eighth year, the topic has not been top of mind long enough. As a global society we must do more to bring attention to the fact that our oceans must be treated with care and respect and instil the mindset that they are crucial to our survival as a species.

World Oceans Day Canada has issued a call to action, “Together we have the power to protect but we must take action now to reduce our carbon footprint, protect marine life, conserve and protect water and waterways. The future of our planet is in our hands. Together we can make a difference.”

Although protection is paramount, it must also be recognized that protection of waterways, biodiversity, and marine life can and must happen in parallel with the recognition that the world’s oceans are a crucial component of the economy and way of life, especially here in B.C.

Read full article here.

Jeremy Dunn – Vancouver Sun – June 5, 2016.


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